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爱上杭州的这些理由 让人无法拒绝









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发表于 2019-5-31 11:58:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




朋友说虽然大妈的提醒对她来说是多余的,却油然而生一种身为杭州人的自豪。2003 年起,杭州市政府开放了西湖沿线的全部景点,西湖景点从此以开放姿态迎接八方来客。

This Place Is Free My friend told me that for the past two days, she couldn’t find a place to get together with friends, so she asked one of the old ladies dancing in the square, who mistook her for a tourist and gave her great directions, and reminded her that all the scenic spots on the West Lake are open for free! My friend said that even though the old woman talked a bit much, it made her proud of being from Hangzhou. In 2003, the Hangzhou city government opened all scenic spots for free around the West Lake to welcome visitors from all over.


地铁站出来,穿过幽径来到一处建筑前。抬头看,五颗星后面的英文TOILET 证明这的确是厕所。进去,除了男女的分别,还有母婴、老人专用的房间。


Star-Rated ToiletComing out of the subway, you head down a quiet alley to find yourself in front of a building. You can find a sign with five stars and the English word TOILET written upon it, which confirms you’re in the right place. Aside from men’s and women’s areas, there is one for mothers with infants, and one for the elderly. There are nice lamps and wood-framed mirrors, doors and windows in the handwashing area, as well as the floating scent of camphor-tree incense. Being in this toilet is like being in a mansion. Not only are the public toilets in Hangzhou the first free ones in the country, they are quite nice.



在杭城,“明堂、吴山驿、岚水、柳湖小筑、 青庭、荷方、岭上、江南驿、风荷”是她的代名词,或与西子湖相伴,或毗邻南山路梧桐大道,真可谓“一步一景一桃源”。

Youth HostelsThese aren’t budget hotels, nor do they have hotel-like service. These places have bunk beds like in a university dorm; you can meet travellers from all over the world. These are youth hostels, and there are many in Hangzhou, with names like Mingtang, Lanshui, Qingting, Hefang, etc. Meaning things like “bright garden”, “mist over mountain peaks”, “celadon court”, “lotus place” and the like, walking between them is like reading a poem.



A University with Hardto-Find ClassroomsWhen you first come to the Xiangshan Campus of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts you will see green mountains, blue water, and white egrets all around. The modest-looking buildings form a kind of labyrinth there. I’ve heard that students often have problems finding classrooms. You never know what’s around the next corner – maybe another lost classmate, maybe the love of your life.



Bikes and SceneryWhen you walk around Hangzhou you’ll find stands of public bikes parked everywhere. In the ranking of the 16 top cities in the world with public bike rental schemes, Hangzhou and Wuhan are both in the top three. Whether it’s in terms of total scale, usage rate, convenience or low fees, Hangzhou’s scheme is at the forefront. There are rental points everywhere, and people take more than 250,000 rides a day. Both city residents and visitors can use them, and with bike lanes and coverings to provide protection from the sun, it really is a nicely-designed scheme.



Yielding at the CrosswalkIn other cities when you cross the road it’s important to look left and look right, and then cross as quickly as possible when the road is clear while still watching out for cars. In Hangzhou, drivers will wave you along and ask you to cross first. This really took hold in 2009, but started as early as 2005 when “letting people cross at the intersection” was added to the list of traffic rules for Hangzhou. Statistics show that 94% of drivers let people cross before them, and for buses, that figure is 99%.



Night RiderAt night, youths who like cycling gather at Longjing Road for their wild ride. Dressed in full gear, these enthusiasts gather critical mass and then head out. If you happen to pass by them at night you’ll see bikes with red signal lights whooshing past. When they arrive at the peak of Mount Wengjia, they take off their helments and make friends.



Scenic MarathonEvery autumn, Hangzhou has the West Lake Marathon. There is a 10k, halfmarathon, and full marathon race, as well as a family race and couple’s race. Almost 20,000 people participate. The activities start at Huanglong Athletic Centre, and the route takes runners past the West Lake, the Qiantang River, and along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. It’s been called a “scenic marathon”. Every year many pros participate, widening the fame of Hangzhou.


每有外来女性朋友抱怨自己着装赶不上潮流,我就建议她去武林时尚女装街逛逛。这条“中国时尚女装第一街”拥有几十个杭州著名女装品牌,包括杭州十大女装品牌和杭州十佳设计师品牌。 除了女装外,还有数不清的饰品店、化妆品店、发型设计店…… 令人应接不暇。不过进入了电商时代,这条街也面临着转型的挑战。

Fashion StreetEvery time I have a female friend visit from somewhere else, and she complains her clothes aren’t fashionable enough, I tell her to go to the Wulin Fashion Street. This is said to be one of the best places for fashion in China, where there are dozens of Hangzhou-based brands for girls’ clothing, including the 10 top female brands of Hangzhou and the 10 best designers of Hangzhou. Aside from women’s clothing, there are also accessory shops, make-up shops, hair salons, and more… It’s a lot to take in. We’ll see how the place fares in the age of e-commerce, though.



Qipao of Hangzhou GirlsMy grandmother is a “Hangzhou girl” who lives by the West Lake. I remember staying at hers when I was a child – she liked to always wear a qipao. I watched as she took her delicate, beautiful steps in front of me. Now I see my grandmother by the moonlight, full of joy. Occasionally she’ll crack out her needle and mend some old clothing, and sometimes she’ll take her qipao down from the top shelf and feel it as she admires it. That kind of qipao that she has in the closet really is dynamite.



A Human TouchOne falls in love with a city not just because it is beautiful, but because it has nice people. Seeing buses and cars stop to give way to pedestrians, I think about what a nice place Hangzhou is. The taxi drivers talk frankly about how they’re proud of Hangzhou and feel safe there. The Hangzhou library allows vagrants in. A city that has such nice infrastructure and respect for people truly deserves the name “heaven on earth”.


“最美妈妈”吴菊萍,“最美司机”吴斌,“最美爸爸”黄小荣…… “用山清水秀出最美”来形容杭州人的美一点也不为过。杭州人的温婉有理,杭州人的乐于助人,杭州人的向善向美,使杭州成为一座有着大爱、流淌着道德血液的城市。在杭州,崇尚道德已经成为越来越多人的生活方式。生活在杭州,真幸福。

Beautiful Hangzhou PeopleThe “most beautiful mother” Wu Juping, the “most beautiful driver” Wu Bin, the “most beautiful father” Huang Xiaorong – everything is beautiful in Hangzhou. The people of Hangzhou are gentle and like to help others. They are virtuous, and the city is full of love and virtue. In Hangzhou, more and more people are leading virtuous lives. It’s a great place to live in.



Bits and PiecesAt the end of 2015, the image of an old man who collects rubbish was all over social media in Hangzhou. A retired teacher who washed his hand before entering the library, Wei Sihao entered into the public view. A teacher graduated from the Department of Chinese Language at Hangzhou University, in his old age he lives modestly and contributes financially to young children who would otherwise be unable to attend school. He’s left a lasting impression of love and spirit. His respect for other people has earned him the respect of people in Hangzhou.


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